Week # 03 & Week 04 I started coding to record a voice clip through the microphone. Got added to GNOME Planet. Created project details in wiki. There are several ways to add voice control for Banshee. What will be the best ? It is to be found out. I should try several options and choose what will be the best. Speech recognition can be used by using a frame work . Simon project was implemented in C/C++ and tried to connect to Banshee. Simon uses a software called Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) to generate the speechmodel. This software is free of charge, but its licence prohibits its distribution with Simon. So it will be a main dependency for the project. Gnome had a project which was implemented for GSoc 2007. The project was GnomeVoiceControl was implemented in C in conjunction with CMU Sphinx, which is an open source tool, created to convert speech to text. Banshee was developed using Mono IDE and .NET platforms which I have to w...